特意查了查为什么第四季只有 17 集原来是因为 Writers Strike… // Before you make the commitment, you have to ask yourself, is that person in bed next to you worth the trouble? Do you love him or her so much that no disease, no disaster could possibly pull you apart?
拍得好乖的一部电影// “你是我唯一的伙伴你离开的那一天我停止了生长然后我尝试结交了新朋友这并不容易久久久久久欧美精品无码就像我每天想你的心情一样很是煎熬But I faced my fear, and acted, until we meet again.” // 看见 Emily Watson 在卡司列表您应该知道这部片子没那么简单It's determined to at least give you a sting. 我看的版本少了五分钟我不太开心